Powder coating booths are indispensable elements of electrostatic painting and coating systems. It is essential to have a cabinet in the system in order to ensure the recovery of costly powder coatings and to prevent environmental pollution. The powder coating cabinet types produced by our company offer different solutions for the recovery and reuse of paint. With the systems added to the powder coating booths, the recovery of paints is improved. In automatic systems, paints that cannot be used thanks to the floor sweeping mechanism are automatically recovered to the warehouses and from there to the recycling system.
Filtreli kabinler, Elektrostatik toz boyama kabinlerinin en pratik ve kullanışlı modelidir. Bu sistemde toz boya tanecikleri siklonlu kabinlerde olduğu gibi parçalanmadığı için, geri kazanım daha verimlidir. Filtreli kabinler01de, emme fanının yarattığı hava akımı ile hareket eden ve malzemeye yapışamayan toz boya zerrelerinin filtre edilerek dış ortama çıkışı önlenir. Kabinde çalışma esnasında filtrelerin temizliği, ters patlatma sistemi ile manuel ya da otomatik olarak yapılır.
With the effect of compressed air applied in reverse, the powder paint particles accumulated in the paint filters are poured onto the cabin floor and collected in the warehouse by being sieved in the sieve storage system from there, and are reabsorbed from here with the help of an injector and transferred to the system.